ODS Oriented Corporate Strategy

We assume our role in building a more stable, inclusive and sustainable society. Our goals cannot be separated from the major global issues.

As a group we have been signatories to the Global Compact for over 17 years, being part of building a global agenda towards 2030 that established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDAs).

These global goals seek to generate more stable, inclusive and sustainable environments for the people and businesses that make up the Compact. In this effort that cuts across all sectors, large companies play a very important role.

In particular, for each of our subsidiaries worldwide, continuing to contribute to this agenda represents a strategic and natural interest. The group has identified five priority objectives in which we have direct and positive effects:

Ethical Code

We have established 8 commitments to make our company a channel of sustainable development dynamics for its employees, shareholders, neighbors and business partners:

I. Make the protection of health, the environment and responsibility towards people the conditions of sustainability of the company.

II. To promote a true attitude of social responsibility; involving social dialogue, awareness and training of workers in sustainable development issues.

III. To clearly express the company’s social responsibility to clients and suppliers, in order to promote sustainable development in production and consumption plans.

IV. To be a responsible company, attentive to the evolution of society with a policy of transparency, concentration and continuous improvement.

V. To contribute to the research and development of eco-efficient waste treatment processes that seek to reduce the impact on health and the environment.

VI. Respect and even anticipate hygiene, health, safety and environmental regulations.

VII. To have an ethical behavior and respect the national and international laws of the business.

VIII. Implement the rules of conduct, detect violations and exercise the right to alert.

Integrated Management System

Our Integrated Management System (IMS) is a tool to guarantee compliance with standards stipulated by international regulations. We are certified in Quality Management System: ISO 9001, Environmental Management System: ISO 14001, Occupational Health and Safety Management System: ISO 45001 and Carbon Footprint calculation: ISO 14064-1.


ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
Certificación Huella de Carbono - HCO 2019/0029